111. Chelsea Williams: The Money Whisperer

The Lucra Podcast - A podcast by Mindie Kniss


Chelsea Williams' genius lies in her understanding of the financial world, the human condition, and how the two coincide. This is what allows her to help business owners get unstuck from their money story so they can write a new one without limits! As she says, "I've never struggled with money a day in my life. Even at the age of 20 when I found out I was pregnant I hustled my way through years of working toward my degree and working multiple jobs. We didn't have everything we wanted but we had everything we needed and found satisfaction with where we were." For almost 15 years now, Chelsea has been using her unique understanding of money and people to help business owners understand how money works and tailor a financial strategy that's unique to their business vision. Learn more at YourCoreSolution.com or follow Chelsea on Insta @the_money_whisper