07 | The truth about willpower + consistency and why popular success strategies don’t work for you! | Human Design Magic

SYSTEMS of EXISTENCE - A podcast by Katharina Hillenberg

Are you the kind of person that gets bursts of inspiration to do things and a few days later can’t find the motivation to follow through your plan at all? Have you tried to commit to something like working out, a new business project or even your own business, but find yourself struggling with consistency every now and then? Chances are you have an open will center in your Human Design chart. And let me tell you, this is NOT a disadvantage. Nothing in Human Design is “good or bad”. Everything is set up like that for a reason. But we tend to judge ourselves for things like inconsistency + not following through, don’t we? No wonder, because most of us just are conditioned by the world and the message you see basically everywhere is “Just do it”, “just get sh*t done”, “just keep hustling” - right? In this episode I share my own experiences with an open will center, not only in business, but also in relationships! Enjoy listening + share it with someone that needs to hear this as well. Thank you so much! LAST call for ELEVATE + safe your Top 6 spot here ♥ Connect with Kathi: > BTS, DM me & more magic on IG here > FB Lives, downloads from the universe & so much more here > Get on the waitlist for The Life Changing Magic of Journaling here