Ep. 129 - How to Make August a Revenue Generating Month



Many of us in the coaching and online service industries see sales peaks typically in January or September. The summer months can feel uncertain, especially if your business doesn’t have recurring revenue. When I work with clients it's actually one of the first things we address when looking at their business strategy. But August doesn't have to be a slow month. On the day of recording this episode, we signed a new client into The Expansion Accelerator and just yesterday, a new client into my redefined mastermind SCALE (formerly known as Expand to 7). This is possible when you have sales strategies in place all year round, and don’t rely on launch months, which can be the exact thing that keeps us feeling like we are in the ‘ feast and famine’ cycle. PLUS, August can be a great time to optimise your pre-pre launch phase ahead of your launch in September / October. You just have to focus on the right activities within your business. In this episode we talk about: Shifting your mindset and setting intentions The Pre-Pre launch phase and why it's important not to forget it and what to do IN IT The right questions to ask your audience to gain valuable market research Resources: Join Be Reel Join The Magnetic Live Launch Method Grab the Magnetic Mid-Year Review Find out more about The Expansion Accelerator  Join my in-person Business Retreat, Captivate