Ep. 89 - A Magnetic Client - Accelerating Business, Self-Leadership and Changing the Landscape of Retail with Anna Woods



The next in the series of celebrating some of the many incredible clients I get to work with, this episode introduces Anna Woods, a Leadership & Business Coach and Founder of sustainable retail store, Positive Retail. Anna and I knew each other personally before she came into my world on a professional level. After working in a very specific way for years climbing the corporate ladder, she realised a year into launching her own business that she was operating in the same way she had back then. Knowing it wasn’t serving her in creating the business she had dreamed of owning - rich in values and with a sustainable approach - she joined The Expansion Accelerator.  Fast forward six months and she had created a whole new way of working.    What I love about Anna’s journey is how she found her spiritual side and in letting that lead her, created a business that felt deliciously like home. She always says this approach and way of working was ‘the missing piece of the puzzle’ and I’m honoured to have played a part in this process and journey.   In this episode we explore:   The turning points that took Anna from a corporate career to changing the face of retail How and why she supports women in her leadership coaching, moving them from mid-level to the top  Our thoughts on identity and self leadership and it being the basis of a solid entrepreneur How she opened up to her spiritual side and how this was the missing piece of the puzzle she had been searching for   Anna is an exceptional human being, rich in ambition, inspiration and empowerment. I hope you enjoy this episode.   LINKS: Find Anna on Instagram here Find out more about Anna’s Leadership Coaching here Find Positive Retail on Instagram here   Learn more about The Expansion Accelerator here Find out more about my masterminds here Check out my free resources to support your business growth here Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_ Website: www.pandorapaloma.com