Ep. 91 - How I Plan and Launch my Masterminds



No one launch is the same in my world - nor for my clients - but there are some key considerations and a process I take myself through to map out what each launch looks like so I can have the outcome I desire.    Everyone wants a successful launch (and deserves one) so I’m excited to take you behind the scenes of my mind and my business in this episode, sharing what happens inside my brain - and in my spreadsheets and processes - to create the foundations of a juicy and expansive launch.   In this episode I share: - My method for planning and executing a successful launch - How I choose my conversions events, based on elements of the overall timeline - From pre-pre launch to review, what I’m thinking and creating - How I map out my content strategy - How we as a team execute each element of the launch - Why I personally onboard my clients - What data I’m checking in on and why - How I review my launches   As someone who has experienced a lot of launches over the past seven years, I’m open to saying I’ve had my ups and downs and I hope that this podcast gives you some insight into how you can make your launches work for you, give you space and ultimately, get the outcome you desire.   Find out more about my masterminds here Book a connection call here Check out my free resources to support your business growth here Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_ Website: www.pandorapaloma.com