Ep.36 - Liberating Yourself from Other People’s Formulas



For February over on Instagram I’ve been holding a series called 21 Days of Liberation. After such a wild ride the past two years, there’s an energy in 2022 that feels like one of freedom. It’s not a new normal, it’s not total freedom but it’s a liberation from what was. And that right now feels big. As a feminine leader, The Age of Aquarius is taking me further from the structure of the masculine - less funnels and planning -  and even deeper into frequency and being. This in itself is liberating. This episode explores how we liberate ourselves from other peoples formulas and into our own wisdom, building businesses from trust, intuition and what feels most alive. I also break down the idea of hierarchy and into the space of rising alongside each other; the feminine way. We think in order to be successful we have to be like someone else. We think we have to be more interesting, incredible, powerful. But let me tell you we become all of this on our way to success. We become more interesting, powerful, incredible along the way. This episode is your big yes to reclaim. No one else can do you. The time is now.   Links to: The Magnetic Year Liberated   Find Pandora on Instagram Find Pandora on Telegram Find Pandora online   Podcast Edited by Fraser Pender