Episode 1 - FBI History and Problems: Under Robert Mueller's Leadership

The Mike Van Meter Show - A podcast by The Mike Van Meter Show

In the first episode, I provide an overview of the FBI under the leadership of Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller reigned with an iron fist. When I first began my FBI career, Louis Freeh was the FBI Director. Unlike Robert Mueller, Louis Freeh was a former FBI agent and demonstrated that he trusted his agents and lead accordingly. When the 9/11 attacks occurred, Robert Mueller had been on the job for just one week. I believe his leadership style and heavy-handedness paved the way for the problems we encounter to this day. Gellman, Barton (2011). Cover Story: Is the FBI Up to the Job 10 years After 9/11?: Inside Bob Mueller's 10-year Campaign to fix the FBI. Time Magazine. May 12, 2011.  http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2068082,00.html Music by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.au