Episode 109 - Lies People Tell: How you can detect them

The Mike Van Meter Show - A podcast by The Mike Van Meter Show

My good friend Frank Runles just published the popular book "Lies People Tell: An FBI Agent's toolkit for catching liars and cheats". Frank was an instructor at the FBI National Academy where he taught the Statement Analysis course and has traveled all over the United States to teach his craft to Law Enforcement Officers. In this interview, you will hear Frank tell us how the same tools that are used by Law Enforcement can be used by all of us in our daily lives. This is an interview you will not want to miss, and you can obtain a copy of Frank's book with one of the links listed below. https://www.amazon.com/Lies-People-Tell-toolkit-catching/dp/1667810898/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SO3ZRVN3NAMW&keywords=lies+people+tell+frank+runles&qid=1651236489&sprefix=lies+pe%2Caps%2C78&sr=8-1   https://store.bookbaby.com/book/Lies-People-Tell   Music-Scott Buckley-Monomyth, The Fury