#10 The YMCA manager who took over Instagram (Tyler J McCall)

The Marketing Freelancer: Unicorns Unite - A podcast by Emily Reagan | Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant - Tuesdays


If you’re helping clients on Instagram you gotta learn from the man himself -- Tyler J McCall.  He’s one of those magic makers like YOU AND ME who actually did the work behind the scenes and helped hundreds of clients with their instagram. In all of his experience, he developed his own success framework and now teaches biz owners in his Followers to Fans Society.  He’s awesome. You’re gonna love him. He shares so many insider tips for VAs who are working Instagram behind the curtains for  their clients. Also tune in just to learn his least favorite emoji.    Links mentioned in this episode: Tyler’s Instagram roadmap: https://tylerjmccallhq.lpages.co/the-instagram-roadmap/ Tyler's Masterclass: "How to Make Sales on Instagram without Feeling Fake, Phony or like you need more followers": http://tylerjmccall.com/masterclass Connect with Tyler: Instagram: @tylerjmccall  Facebook: @tylerjmccall    Learn with me: Gif & Sticker Making Workshop - $17.99 crash course to turn your clients into a gif!   The Quickstart to Facebook Community Management the unicorn gateway job to digital media work in just 2 hours  The Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School Apply for the Digital Marketing Workgroup   Connect with Me: Facebook Community: Emily's Unicorn Digital Marketing Lab Instagram: @emilyreaganpr Facebook: @emilyreaganpr   >>> Download my Top Ten Most Requested Digital Media Tasks & Services  >>> Take the Quiz to Discover your Digital Dream Job