The where’s, what’s and how’s of data: Using data to tell stories for internal buy in and external storytelling - Thierry Ngutegure, Head of Insight, Journey Further

Marketing Meetup Podcast - A podcast by The Marketing Meetup


As marketers, we love to say that data drives many of our decisions, strategies and tactical implementation. Yet, the reality is for many marketers that we either don’t know how or where to find meaningful data. Even if we do have the raw data: bringing it to life in a way that tells stories that work both internally and externally is a challenge. Thierry Ngutegure is really, really good at all of this. He finds and creates data, and then uses it to tell stories that get buy-in from internal teams, or press for his clients. In this session, he’ll share: - His research methods and sources for data gathering - How he turns these into stories that create impact internally and externally - Real-life examples of putting this into practice

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