Tik Tok for 'normal' businesses: What I've learned - Dan Knowlton, Knowlton

Marketing Meetup Podcast - A podcast by The Marketing Meetup


Without meaning to be overly tactical - Tik Tok is a no-brainer for some folks. Those who work in exciting brands are benefitting from incredible reach and virality. Proper good top of funnel awareness. But most of us don't work in companies like that. Most of us work in companies that some (not me, of course) would call... normal. So maybe Tik Tok just isn't for us? Well... Dan Knowlton is a marketing agency owner - perhaps a company closer to the latter of the two types of company listed above. And yet over the past six months he seen real, tangible results from Tik Tok. Today, he'll be sharing his journey - warts and all, about what he's learned from this newest social platform from the perspective of someone in a more 'normal' company - and what you can do about it.

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