Getting Attention For Revenue: Great Strategies for Platform Timing and Selection

The Marketing Ninja - A podcast by Manuel Suarez


In this podcast, Manuel Suarez discusses the strategic timing of platform entry, recognizing attention as a key driver of revenue, embracing current trends in vertical short-form content, and adopting a strategic, observation-based approach to platform selection. πŸ”· Strategic Timing in Marketing Channels: Manuel underscores the importance of strategic timing when choosing marketing channels. He advises against investing in platforms before they gain prominence, emphasizing the need to join when a platform is experiencing a wave of attention. This aligns with his own success, having entered a platform in its early stages. πŸ”· Attention as a Revenue Driver: Manuel emphasizes the direct correlation between attention and income. He asserts that having attention is a fundamental prerequisite for generating sales, revenue, and overall success. This concept forms the basis of his expertise in capturing attention at scale, contributing to his agency's achievement of significant revenue without external funding. πŸ”· Vertical Short-Form Content: The podcast highlights vertical short-form content across major platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Suarez notes the popularity of formats like Reels and Shorts, citing them as attention-grabbing opportunities in 2022. The inclusion of short-form content on Netflix further supports the growing dominance of this format. πŸ”· Strategic Platform Selection and Observation: Learn the strategic approach to platform selection, urging marketers to be observant of current trends and consumer behavior. He discourages the pursuit of creating new platforms, instead advocating for the smart allocation of attention to existing traffic opportunities. This includes observing trends on platforms like Facebook, the Apple App Store, and the Google App Store to identify where attention is currently concentrated.