The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#127 - Dr. Peter Ridd, PhD, Physics "The Great Barrier Reef and the pervasive quality assurance and replication problem in science today"

The Martinz ELEVATED Review - A podcast by The MARTINZ ELEVATED Review

In today’s episode we continue our investigative series into the actual science behind the Earth’s ever changing climate, and continue to provide clear evidence to counter the bogus mainstream alarmist narrative.  Today we will examine another poster child of the alarmist movement, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Joining us is Dr. Peter Ridd, PhD.  Dr. Ridd obtained his doctoral degree in Physics from James Cook University in 1980, and is a former Professor and Head of Physics.  Dr. Ridd’s focus while at James Cook was coastal oceanography, the effects of sedimentation on coral reefs, instrument development, geophysical sensing of the earth, past and future climates, and atmospheric modelling. He developed a series of specialist instrumentation for measuring various aspects of water quality, with the profits used to fund student scholarships and research projects. Dr. Ridd has published more than 100 scientific papers in international science journals and supervised many successful PhD students. His most recent book is “Reef Heresy: Science, Research and the Great Barrier Reef”. When warming alarmists grossly misled people about the status of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, Dr. Ridd spoke up. He wrote an opinion piece in the Jan 2018 issue of the Marine Pollution Bulletin which challenged the prevailing propaganda related to the condition of the Great Barrier Reef. The essay drew attention to what Dr. Ridd argued was a “reproducibility crisis” and also to the validity of specific papers on the topic.  As a result, Dr. Ridd’s employer, James Cook University, took a number of disciplinary measures against him, and ultimately after a lengthy court battle he was dismissed.  Following the conclusion of his legal battle with James Cook University in 2021, Dr Ridd has accepted an invitation to join the Institute of Public Affairs as an Adjunct Fellow, without salary, to lead a newly established Project for Real Science. The Project’s aims are to improve science quality assurance, build on the IPA’s existing research programs, and to support academics speaking out for integrity in science and research. To learn more about Dr. Ridd and his work, please visit: Dr. Ridd's Youtube Channel Purchase "Reef Heresy: Science, Research and the Great Barrier Reef"