The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#128 - Adam Hardage, CEO Remote Health Solutions "Align yourself with a freedom loving health care provider"

The Martinz ELEVATED Review - A podcast by The MARTINZ ELEVATED Review

In today’s program I present you with a novel solution to an ever emerging problem, access to real health care.  Today we will explore a new exciting and innovative health care modality - Remote Health Solutions - a non-discriminatory health care provider. Joining us for this episode is Adam Hardage CEO of Remote Health Solutions.  Mr Hardage is a US Special Operations Veteran having graduated from the US Airforce Academy in 1997 and went on to serve in 6 deployments in 4 different conflicts seeing service in Iraq, Afghanistan, West Africa, Jordon, and Syria. Today Mr. Hardage sees his current mission clear as day; Defending Medical Freedom and providing access to honest, transparent, and ethical care for people, which is something you cannot find in America's current Medical Industrial Complex.  His his goal is to leave America in as good a shape as it was given to him, and adds  "We are in a war for the very idea of what it means to be an American and be free. This is the hill that I will die on." For more information about Mr. Hardage and Remote Health Solutions, please visit: For providers interested in joining the team please email: [email protected]