The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#129 - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, PhD "Continue to speak the truth, the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE"

The Martinz ELEVATED Review - A podcast by The MARTINZ ELEVATED Review

In today’s program we present the final episode in our lengthy series exploring the global health and socio-economic impacts of the covid-19 scamdemic.  Today we will work towards assembling the known facts and information available to date, learn what is being done and what can be done to bring the perpetrators to justice, and attempt to paint a clear and understandable picture of the present world situation.   Joining us for this episode is non other Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, PhD.  Dr. Fuellmich was born and raised in Bremen, Germany and he completed his law studies at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles.  He has been an attorney in Germany since 1993, and in California since 1994.  Dr. Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations including Volkswagen AG, Deutsche Bank, and Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. More recently, Dr. Fuellmich was a founding member the German Corona Inquiry Committee, the Corona Ausschuss, which was formed in mid-July 2020 to initially investigate the German government’s covid response, which then lead to the discovery of a globally orchestrated fraud that has had devastating consequences for all of humanity. For those of you who may have missed Dr. Fuellmich's first interview it can be found as Ep#85.  To learn more about Dr. Fuellmich and his work, please visit: