Session 22 - Do You Feel Demonized?

Touch Matters Podcast - A podcast by Touch Matters


TMC is minus one today as Matt is on a well deserved holiday. Becky and Anna Maria are however joined by Anna s dogs who can t resist to chip in! In this episode we chat or better put, go on a rant about the recently released article from Chad Cook titled "The Demonization of Manual Therapy".  That word Demonization did not sit well with us TMC. We discuss why we believe it is not a useful term when it s in the context of critically evaluating evidence and also why SoMe has a lot to answer for!   We also look at a couple of intersting points Chad Cook makes in his article about evidence surrounding self efficacy and the famous "window of opportunity". This is a content full episode, some of topics in which we may have to revisit as a podcast in their own right.