1. Wellbeing Matters: Dr Sheena Byrom OBE & JennyTheMidwife
The Maternity & Midwifery Hour - A podcast by Narrowcast Media Group - Fridays
Under Pressure: Wellbeing Matters Dr Sheena Byrom OBE, The Practising Midwife Journal Sue Macdonald, Co-editor of Mayes Midwifery Jenny Clarke (Jenny the Midwife) Sheena, Sue and Jenny provide up-to-date information on working through Covid-19 and top tips on how midwives and allied healthcare professionals can protect their own physical and mental wellbeing during these exceptionally difficult times. This podcast is sponsored by MATFLIX: video streaming from maternity experts. Find out more at www.matflix.co.uk Support this podcast on Patreon: www.patreon.co.uk/midwiferyhour Resources: RCOG COVID-19 guidance: https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/guidelines/2020-03-28-covid19-pregnancy-guidance.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3PagumWgKQmVk92AxbTevSMq-gRhVMRuuOzEt9_PkkU9MocA45tWES8mg Guidance for students: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/documents/Student%20support%20guide%20master%20.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3FHHX7xgVXd6vwdGrToDg0W2UjuwXBh3EyuJEVF3htl62mTP67pdoNooM All4Maternity's NutureZone: https://www.all4maternity.com/caring/blog/nurture/