3 CEO habits that leads to success

The Maverick Paradox Podcast - A podcast by Judith Germain - All Rights Reserved


In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Simon Severino about the 3 CEO habits that leads to your success and how to double sales in sprints. In this show he shares his 3 to 1 rule to determine when to delegate, and a new way of looking at how to free up space for the next big thing. Simon explains that your personality is not to be burnt out and how to use the content refinery.  They discuss how to make the 3 CEO habits (your core operating process) work for you and how to have the business that you want. Simon helps business owners in Saas and Services run their company more effectively which results in sales that soar. Trusted by Google, Roche and many more. He created the Strategy Sprints™ Method that doubles revenue in 90 days by getting owners out of the weeds.  TEDx speaker, Contributor to Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine. This is a conversation that we can all learn from.