Autistic not Weird

The Maverick Paradox Podcast - A podcast by Judith Germain - All Rights Reserved


In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Chris Bonnello from Autistic Not Weird. They have an insightful discussion about how human progress relies on diversity of thought, and they gain perspectives on autism in the workplace. Chris alao details his journey from struggling to find employment to becoming a respected autism advocate, emphasising a shift from focusing on weaknesses to strengths. Key Takeaways Autism brings valuable strengths and perspectives, though society often only focuses on the challenges. Accommodations should not be seen as an act of kindness, but a normal practice to help people perform at their best. Disclosing autism strategically in interviews/applications can highlight strengths, if framed properly. Progress comes from appreciating different perspectives and listening, not trying to make people conform. In this conversation they debated the need to shift perceptions of autism from a burden to a valuable form of diversity, considering the harms of portrayals that only depict inspiration or struggle. Chris recounted overcoming obstacles to find fulfilling work in special education and advocacy, though public views still associate autism with charity cases over professional careers. They agreed society should normalise accommodating differences rather than view it as a favour, and that diversity enriches organisations when people feel empowered to contribute uniquely. Chris Bonnello is an autistic advocate, speaker, and former teacher, who discusses the priceless value of neurodiversity through his platform Autistic Not Weird. You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here. --- Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine. But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans. The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact. How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at and see.  Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.  Judith's websites:  The Maverick Paradox Magazine - The Maverick Paradox Website - Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.