Rebel Leadership is Maverick Leadership?

The Maverick Paradox Podcast - A podcast by Judith Germain - All Rights Reserved


This is an episode for The Maverick Paradox @ KLDR Online Leadership Radio. Judith Germain hosts this radio show, and her guest today is Larry Robertson and they are discussing rebel leadership and why Maverick Leaders are always pushing the boundaries. Maverick Leaders are often misunderstood and assumed to have hidden agendas when they are just looking after the greater good. They also explore what is Rebel Leadership and whether it is the same as Maverick Leadership. Larry is an innovation advisor and founder of Lighthouse Consulting, and is an internationally author of 3 award-winning books. They have an interesting conversation where Larry shares his leadership hacks and surprises Judith with questions on Maverick Leadership that he has been pondering. If you wish to listen to The Maverick Paradox @KLDR Online Leadership Development Radio as the episodes are broadcasted, then visit the KLDROnline website. Judith's websites:  The Maverick Paradox Magazine - Company Website - Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.