Episode 206: Dealing with Hard Times

The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell - A podcast by Rebecca Crowell


We are really happy to be bringing this podcast episode to you this week, the first one after a long hiatus due to a very difficult situation in Ross's personal life. Today we’ll be talking about how the past few months have gone for us and offering some thoughts about how reconnecting with your creative practice is a solid and healthy step toward getting your life back on track. Since late January, Ross has devoted all his time and energy to caring for his wife Kara during a long, difficult illness as well as caring for his newborn son, and he was unable to focus on anything outside of this. Like so many people who have had to deal with illness, family losses, job losses, and other challenges especially during the pandemic, he found it hard enough to cope with daily life, let alone do anything creative for self-fulfillment. In today's podcast we talk about these difficult situations and the importance of connecting again with your creative self. Some suggestions for getting back on track in the aftermath include finding a way to fit your creative practice into a schedule, being patient with the time it may take to regroup, and finding it within yourself to commit to your practice again. Your creative work is so essential to your own strength and self-image that its important to not let that slip away completely. There are many ways that negativity can impede getting back to creative work, though. We can get so used to living with ongoing difficulties and trauma that it is a huge emotional step to lose that outlook and move into a more positive future. Financial issues can also add to the overall pressure of the situation, especially if your income depends on your creative work. Everyone and every situation is different. But the core idea here is commitment to your creative work. You can weather so much if you hold to the idea that in time, you will get back to doing what you love. Art has great power to heal and to sustain us in hard times. Thanks to everyone who has been sharing the show and donating! If you would like to donate to the Messy Studio Podcast donate here. ​ When you buy art supplies at Blick remember to use our affiliate link to support the podcast! Bookmark this link and then you don't even have to think about it again. This is one of the best ways to support the show. It takes a few seconds and costs you nothing! The Blick website works exactly the same way, but we earn 10% every time you buy art supplies. Right now Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits are 25% off, and Blick disposable palette pads and artist tape are also marked down! www.messystudiopodcast.com/blick ​ Have an art related product, service, or event you would like to advertise on the Messy Studio Podcast? Email Ross at [email protected] for current mid-roll advertising rates. ​ For more from The Messy Studio: www.messystudiopodcast.com www.facebook.com/messystudiopodcast ​ For more from Rebecca Crowell: www.rebeccacrowell.com www.coldwaxacademy.com ​ The Messy Studio Podcast is a Tick Digital Media Production.