Episode 207: Art and Aging

The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell - A podcast by Rebecca Crowell


Many of our listeners to this podcast are in their older years, and the rest of us can only hope to find ourselves there one day. Aging brings with it many challenges—these are as specific and diverse as our own personalities and yet as common as anything else shared by millions of people. While physical abilities and stamina may decline for older artists, aging can also contribute to creative work in positive ways. Many artists have the drive to keep going despite physical limitations because art is so central to their lives. They adapt to issues like fatigue, aches and pains, the need to be conscious of posture, or coping with sensitivity to the physical aspects or materials of studio work. Repetitive motions required by the art process and lifting and carrying heavy, awkward objects can be problematic. But there are many very positive and healthy aspects to making art late in life that include not only the great satisfaction of creativity itself, but that support brain health and other aspects of aging well. These include the mental flexibility required to create, a sense of purpose that is part of a commitment to a studio practice, and the personal connections with other artists in the creative community. Artists often tend to connect across generations and other social barriers, recognizing what they have in common and learning from one another. Art transcends many of the emotional problems of aging in ways that can balance out the more difficult aspects of aging. It is a way of connecting with the reality of the experience of aging. It can help us rise above a potentially negative situation, that of our bodies becoming slower, more painful, and restricted--and to express the more profound and beautiful aspects of a long life. Thanks to everyone who has been sharing the show and donating! If you would like to donate to the Messy Studio Podcast donate here. ​ When you buy art supplies at Blick remember to use our affiliate link to support the podcast! Bookmark this link and then you don't even have to think about it again. This is one of the best ways to support the show. It takes a few seconds and costs you nothing! The Blick website works exactly the same way, but we earn 10% every time you buy art supplies. Right now Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits are 25% off, and Blick disposable palette pads and artist tape are also marked down! www.messystudiopodcast.com/blick ​ What's new at Cold Wax Academy? Our Spring Quarter membership program is well underway with lots of information about working with Form and Content, and tips about Professional Development for artists at all stages of their careers. We are now looking ahead to our Summer session which begins on July 13. We're excited to be focusing on Personal Voice and Composition and we'll also be hosting some special guests to share more information about Professional Development. Member Critiques and Paintings Clinics, our new feature, are ongoing. You can join anytime and catch up with past recorded sessions at your own pace. Please visit http://www.coldwaxacademy.com for more information As always, members have access to recordings of all previous sessions including everything from the first year, so it's easy to join anytime. Please visit http://www.coldwaxacademy.com for details about membership levels and to sign up for a year of exciting learning experiences. Here is what a member named Sandy has to say about her own experience: "Rebecca and Jerry have presented the most professional, authentic and structured approach to a creative activity I have ever come across. Their selfless sharing of all their knowledge and encouragement is a gift in my life unsurpassed." Have an art related product, service, or event you would like to advertise on the Messy Studio Podcast? Email Ross at [email protected] for current mid-roll advertising rates. ​ For more from The Messy Studio: www.messystudiopodcast.com www.facebook.com/messystudiopodcast ​ For more from Rebecca Crowell: www.rebeccacrowell.com www.coldwaxacademy.com ​ The Messy Studio Podcast is a Tick Digital Media Production.