Episode 261: Moving Your Studio: Emotions and Memories

The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell - A podcast by Rebecca Crowell


In our last episode we talked about some of the practicalities of downsizing, clearing out, or moving your studio, and tips about ways to deal with your artwork, supplies, and other items that you’ve accumulated. But what about the emotional side of this? We’re going to focus today on how it feels to move out of a studio that has been a very important part of your life. You may be on top of the logistics involved in dealing with downsizing, but you are not a robot, mechanically sorting and tossing. Today we’ll talk about the fact that your studio is a very personal place that can evoke a flood of memories and emotions when you need to leave it behind. And we’ll also mention the benefits and positive aspects of going through this process. A studio is a place to make your work, but it's also much more. It is a sanctuary and refuge, and a place of contemplation where you have spent countless hours working, thinking, and observing your work. Your studio represents your personal history as an artist and all its ups and downs. So it’s no wonder we get attached to our studios as well as fill them with a large buildup of objects and inventory. The physical objects themselves hold memories and feelings that can be overwhelming at times. Pressure to meet moving deadlines, confronting your habits of hoarding or over-purchasing art supplies, and perhaps regrets over work that was never finished or sold that can all be stressful and bring up difficult emotions. Yet there are also fascinating and rewarding parts of the process when we see connections to older work, or are reminded of art friends, mentors, and experiences as we sort through our stuff. You may feel deep gratitude for your life as an artist when you realize the depth and breadth of your work and life as an artist. Anyone who is on the other side of major downsizing tends to be pleased and relieved. The process gives you a fresh start and provides a sense of feeling more organized and purposeful. Instead of a jumble of bits of your past, with perhaps only minimal organization, in your new space you will know precisely what you own, where it is, and overall, you will have a good sense of what everything you’ve kept means to you. It's easy to lose sight of these positive aspects of moving while you are in the middle of this often-exhausting process, but they do await you. Thanks to everyone who has been sharing the show and donating! If you would like to donate to the Messy Studio Podcast donate here. • When you buy art supplies at Blick remember to use our affiliate link to support the podcast! Bookmark this link and then you don't even have to think about it again. This is one of the best ways to support the show. It takes a few seconds and costs you nothing! The Blick website works exactly the same way, but we earn 10% every time you buy art supplies. ​ www.messystudiopodcast.com/blick ​ What's new at Cold Wax Academy? As Rebecca and Jerry enter the fourth year of live programming, they are bringing a special emphasis to reviewing and consolidating prior learning, as well as to increased member involvement on a variety of topics like professional development, mentoring issues, and other questions posed to the group. As always, Members are also encouraged to take part in the online sessions, where lively discussions take place as Rebecca and Jerry respond in real time, And don't forget that Cold Wax Academy Members have unlimited streaming access to over 100 previously recorded sessions covering a broad range of topics. You don't have to use cold wax medium to benefit from the content in these recordings. Artists who use other painting media will also find a wealth of valuable information there, from the effective use of the visual elements and composition, to personal voice and intentions, to personal issues like procrastination and work/life balance--and much, much more. For more info and to join CWA please visit www.coldwaxacademy.com ​ Please visit http://www.coldwaxacademy.com for more information as well as basic information about using cold wax medium. ​ Here is what a member named Sandy has to say about her own experience with Cold Wax Academy: "Rebecca and Jerry have presented the most professional, authentic and structured approach to a creative activity I have ever come across. Their selfless sharing of all their knowledge and encouragement is a gift in my life unsurpassed." ​ Also-- please visit https://www.espacioart.org to learn about Rebecca and Jerry's newest project, Espacio, dedicated to providing beautiful living and working spaces for artists and writers. Espacio's first offering is Casa Clavel, a modern, fully equipped house opening this September in the beautiful cultural city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. A few booking openings are still available in 2023, so please incquire if you are interested. ​ Have an art related product, service, or event you would like to advertise on the Messy Studio Podcast? Email Ross at [email protected] for current mid-roll advertising rates. • For more from The Messy Studio: www.messystudiopodcast.com www.facebook.com/messystudiopodcast • For more from Rebecca Crowell: www.rebeccacrowell.com www.coldwaxacademy.com • The Messy Studio Podcast is a Tick Digital Media Production.