Lesbians & Dad Bods: Real Answer and Real Drinks | YES or NO with Andrew Klavan

The Michael Knowles Show - A podcast by The Daily Wire

Welcome to a compelling new episode of 'YES or NO' with Michael Knowles, featuring the brilliant and always engaging Andrew Klavan! In this insightful episode, Michael Knowles and Andrew Klavan go head to head on some of today's most pressing and thought-provoking topics. Dive into a world of deep discussion as Michael and Andrew explore a wide array of subjects ranging from culture and politics to philosophy and media. This isn't just your typical talk show; it's a meeting of minds that promises to challenge, educate, and entertain. - - - Today’s Sponsors: Genucel - Limited Time Holiday Sale! https://genucel.com/Knowles Good Ranchers - Get $25 off your order + a FREE Holiday Ham! Use promo code KNOWLES at checkout. https://bit.ly/43G8p0P - - - 🔔 Join us for a captivating conversation that goes beyond the surface. Subscribe now for more episodes of YES or NO. Engage with us in the comments – which topic intrigued you the most? Let's keep the conversation going! #MichaelKnowles #AndrewKlavan #DeepTalks #YesOrNo #TheDailyWire #CulturalDiscussion #PoliticalDialogue #PhilosophicalDebate #MediaAnalysis #EngagingConversation #IntellectualDiscussion #CurrentEvents #SocietalInsights