S2: Episode 8: Lights, Camera, Action!
The MILF Podcast - Mom I’d Like To Friend - A podcast by Chelsey O’Callaghan

Did you ever feel like getting married or having a child had to be strategically planned in order to get ‘back’ to a place in your career where you could excel? Well then this episode is for you. I chat with Alysa King @alysaking the actress from “Tormented”, Chillers series “Slasher”, “Bed of the Dead”, and much much more. Oh! And she also hosts and creates princess parties; Disney princesses and super heroes of all kinds! Annndddd She has just started her venture into teaching young actors, how is she able to “do it all” ?!. We chat about the struggles of motherhood in the entertainment industry and the shift of identity that comes along with it. Whether you are in the world of lights and cameras or an entirely different career there is something for you this week as we dissect the struggle of re-entering the workforce after becoming a mom.