"Reconnect 20 Year Reunion" presented by G.O.D & Smile Police -- Sat Oct 19th [PROMO mix by JFX]

The Mind Bending Music of Harry Blotter - A podcast by Harry Blotter


"Reconnect 20 Year Reunion" Promo mixed by JFX. Below are some words about the event from St Luke.... ... Time to RECONNECT... Since the thread about all the people we have lost over the years has gone up on the G.O.D & Smile Police Memories page, it’s got me thinking about how important it is to stay connected with the things we love, and I wanted to try to explain what this party is all about, and why we chose the name & theme #reconnect. 20 years is a long time between drinks! And I’m sure over the past 20 years all of us have had our fair share of life struggles, some of them much greater than others. We’ve all had our ups, & we’ve all had our downs. Some of us have lost people close to us along the way. Some have had relationship issues and separations, some have struggled with substance abuse. Some live with disabilities, mental illnesses and other medical conditions, while others might be caring for someone with a disability or illness. We may have financial issues. And some of us might just be feeling a bit lost, and we’re still trying to find our way. But if there is one thing that we would love everyone to take away from this party, its that we cannot allow ourselves to disconnect! This party is not just about reconnecting with old friends. It’s also a chance to reconnect with ourselves, and take back control of our lives. Take some time to remember all the things that used to make you happy, we all get too caught up in life’s worries sometimes that we forget to take some time out for ourselves! Take some time to RECONNECT with life! Go smell a flower. Call a friend just to say gday! Say hi to a stranger in the street. Go out tomorrow and do something crazy just for a laugh! Shout that old dude in front of you at the milk bar his morning paper! Just to see him smile! 😀 whatever you do don’t let life beat you! Remember this is just one big game we’re all playing, don’t ever take life to seriously, talk about your problems, choose your own adventures, but most importantly, stay CONNECTED, and you can’t lose! 😀