166 // Minimalism Tips I Learned While Moving House
The Mindful Kind - A podcast by Rachael Kable
Hello and welome to episode 166 of The Mindful Kind podcast. My little family and I are in the process of moving homes and in the last few weeks, I've learned some interesting things about minimalism. I thought I'd share my top 6 tips about minimalism so you can try them out for yourself! Tip 1: Watch Marie Kondo's show on Netflix called "Tidying Up" (or check out some Youtube videos about her methods). Tip 2: Give away things to people who will enjoy them more. Tip 3: Swap big things for little things (or keep digital versions instead of physical versions). Tip 4: Rearrange your home so you can have meaningful experiences. Tip 5: Leave cupboards intentionally empty. Tip 6: Identify if your things actually help you live the life you want to live. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.