52 // Facing Your Fears

The Mindful Kind - A podcast by Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 52 of The Mindful Kind podcast! In this episode, discover how to use mindfulness to face your fears.  This is a gentle and kind approach to addressing fears- this is not an episode about feeling the fear and doing it anyway (at least, not at first!).  You'll discover a few of my own fears about snakes and public speaking (and more!) and how I've used mindfulness to face up to those things.  A few tips for facing your fears using mindfulness: - Take small steps towards facing your fears and listen for when it becomes too much - Urge surf to let go of irrational, fearful reactions - Be aware of your self-talk and adjust it to suit you (know which thoughts help you and which ones don't!) - Use your breath to reduce fear - Have a plan for self-care and mindfulness after you've faced your fear. Be kind to yourself and try to decrease rumination.  And finally, please reach out for more help if you need it in facing your fears.