Gal Gadot “Imagine”

The Mister(ess) of Pop Culture 🖤 - A podcast by Andrew DeVitre

1. Ellie Goulding - “Love Me Like You Do (YouTube) 2. ‘Imagine’ That: Gal Gadot’s Sweet Gesture Devolves Into A Social Media Feeding Frenzy (Deadline) 3. @Gal_Gadot (Instagram) 4. ‘Game of Thrones’ Alum Indira Varma Tests Positive For Coronavirus (Deadline) 5. Coronavirus- CA On A 24-Hour Lockdown (TMZ) 6. L.A. Mayor Promises “People Aren’t Going To Be Marched Into Jail” Under New Safer At Home Order (Deadline) 7. Thanks to Judi Dench’s Coronavirus Message, We’re Suddenly Less Stressed (E!) --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.