A New Era of AI Writing: ChatGPT 4o's "Canvas" Feature

AI In Law - A podcast by Mitch Jackson


Imagine a writing space where AI and creativity meet in real time—that's exactly what the new "Canvas" feature in ChatGPT 4o brings to the table. In this episode, we’re diving into how Canvas is revolutionizing AI-assisted writing and productivity. Canvas transforms your writing experience by creating a dedicated workspace right next to your chat. Whether you're drafting an important email, organizing your thoughts for a presentation, or outlining your latest blog post, Canvas keeps everything seamless, organized, and visually distinct. Highlights include: real-time collaboration with AI, effortless content tweaks, smart suggestions, and a polished final draft—all in one convenient space. It’s more than just a new feature; it’s a whole new way to interact with AI and level up your writing game. Tune in and explore how Canvas is about to reshape the way you create and communicate.  ________  More episodes at https://mitch-jackson.com/podcast Mentioned post https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7250885288971886593?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop AI In Law legal LinkedIn Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14496348/