DAO Spending and Investment Agreements: Securing Accountability and Preventing Misuse
AI In Law - A podcast by Mitch Jackson

This episode discusses the importance of legally sound agreements for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Jackson advocates for a comprehensive agreements which he calls "DAO Fund Distribution Agreement" to ensure accountability and prevent misuse of funds when DAOs distribute money to third parties. The proposed agreement includes clauses addressing purpose, monthly accounting, audit rights, reporting standards, milestones, transparency, dispute resolution, termination, governing law, and indemnification. Jackson emphasizes the critical role of written agreements in protecting all parties involved in DAO transactions and promoting project sustainability. Read the original article this conversation was based upon here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mitchjackson_dao-spending-and-investment-agreements-securing-activity-7282419031444205569-tpG9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Listen to past episodes of this podcast here https://mitch-jackson.com/podcast