170: How to Hire Great People

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


One of a manager’s most important jobs is to build their team. But hiring is often difficult and exhausting. And, it can feel like taking a shot in the dark because even with resume screens, interviews and reference checks, it’s impossible to really know how a person will be as a colleague. Today’s episode is about hiring great people. In addition to looking for the right fit for the role, there are a few competencies that I always look for when hiring because if the person has these, it makes everything else so much easier. The full episode guide includes interview guides for the three critical skills to help you better assess a candidate. Get it when you join the Modern Manager community or purchase the full guide at www.themodernmanager.com/shop.     Get the free mini-guide at themodernnmanager.com/miniguides   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and free mini-guides delivered to your inbox.    Read the related blog article: The Top Three Things To Look For When Hiring.   Key Takeaways: In addition to hiring for values fit and skill fit, the top three behaviors to look for are (1) knowledge of self, (2) learning orientation, and (3) a “how might we” attitude.  Knowledge of self involves knowing your strengths, weaknesses and under what conditions you succeed; awareness of how you show up to others; and regular reflection on your behavior in order to improve.  Managing someone with high self-awareness allows you to partner with them by providing the context, support and assignments that will set them up to excel.  Growth-oriented employees seek feedback and appreciate the opportunity to improve, making it easier to give them feedback. It is easier to manage someone who wants to grow and develop because you can trust them to take on new tasks knowing they will ask for help if they need it. Employees who know their preferred learning style are able to more quickly integrate new knowledge or skills.  Proactive problem solvers have a “how might we” attitude and are able to figure out solutions  without relying on you to solve all their problems. It’s easier to partner with someone who sees setbacks as opportunities to be creative and find new solutions rather than getting stuck in what won't work.