174: Managing a Remote or Hybrid Team

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


While much of leading a team is the same regardless of whether you’re co-located or geographically disbursed, leading from a distance can feel significantly harder. Even after 18+ months of working remotely, we still haven’t figured out how to optimize our virtual teamwork.   This episode tackles the critical elements that managers need to focus on when managing remotely.    The full episode guide to building trust and culture in a remote environment when you join the Modern Manager community. Or purchase the full guide at www.themodernmanager.com/shop.     Get the free mini-guide at themodernnmanager.com/miniguides   Read the related blog article: The Four Essential Elements To Managing Virtually   Key Takeaways: The secret ingredient to successful remote teams is trust.  Trust is made up of familiarity, reliability, and communication.  Because we can’t connect easily in organic ways, we need to actively pursue ways to connect virtually on a casual, personal level.  Remote work means less physical oversight and collaboration. Set clear expectations, deadlines, check ins, and goals.  Because all of your team’s communication happens through technology, it’s even more important to make communication clear and simple. Discuss how and when to use each communication tool. Meetings are an essential communication tool to both build relationships and get work done. If you don’t build a virtual culture, a default culture will happen.  Culture is what we celebrate. Give credit to teammates who are reinforcing the team’s norms and expectations. Consider how to celebrate and include the diverse values and ideas that each team member brings to the table.    Additional Resources: Episode 49: Engaging and Productive Virtual Meetings   [email protected]