29: Overcoming Common Challenges with Task Managers

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


It’s normal to have ups and downs with any new app. There will be times when you love using your task manager and times when you slow down or completely stop. Thats because using an app is really about building new habits. Whenever we try to change behavior we run into challenges.   Get the free mini-guide to help you overcome some common challenges with using a digital task manager.   Join the Modern Manager community to get the full guide which includes printable trackers, tips and approaches.   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and mini-guides delivered to your inbox.   Key Takeaways: There are a few common reasons we struggle with using a digital task manager: The excitement of a new app wears off; We don’t get into a routine of putting tasks into the app or keeping it up to date; We stop trusting the tool to be helpful; We struggle with combining our use of paper and digital; The app is missing a capability or starts to feel like too much work. To prevent or overcome these challenges, acknowledge they're real and normal, and then make a plan. Decide how you will integrate your use of paper and digital tools. Be intentional about how together, they will support you to be most productive. Integrate your new habits for using your task app with your existing routines. Use visual reminders, like a 30-day chart, to help you track your usage. Set a goal of using your task app every day for a month. Make it a team goal if you’re collaborating with others. Explore new features, automations, integrations, etc to make it easier to use the app. Hold regular reflections on how it’s going. Consider what you want to do differently so you can get more value from the app. Recognize the challenges and frustrations are real. No app is perfect. If you’re really having a hard time consider changing to an app that is better suited to your needs, or whether an app is needed at all. There are many paper-based task management systems as an alternative.   Get it touch! Email me at [email protected]