47: Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


We all experience stress at work. Ideally, it’s short lived and easily manageable. When a heightened state of stress becomes the new normal, you may be on the way to burnout. While burnout is the extreme and typically rare case, it’s critical to notice when stress, frustration, overload and overwhelm are taking over. They’re the signs burnout may be coming.   Get the free mini-guide with questions to help you identify stressors in your life and your team members’ lives.   When you join the Modern Manager community, get the full guide with suggestions for how to manage stress, along with access to prior episode guides, guest bonuses and 30% off personality based coaching to help you better understand your preferences and learn new strategies to help you be a rockstar manager.   When you join before midnight Eastern April 23, 2019, you are eligible to win a free coaching session with Amy Born, guest from episode 44: Manager as Coach.   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and mini-guides delivered to your inbox.    Key Takeaways: Job burnout is different from depression or other mental or emotional conditions. Burnout occurs when you are physically or emotionally exhausted from work in ways that lead to a sense of lack of accomplishment, reduced motivation, and loss of personal identity. Burnout is caused by a number of factors including (1) lack of control, (2) unclear expectations, (3) extremes of activity, (4) dysfunctional workplace dynamics, (5) lack of social support, and (6) work-life imbalance. Look for signs of stress, frustration, overload and overwhelm so you can manage stress and avoid burnout. Find a de-stressor that works for you which you can use ‘in the moment’ to regain a sense of calm. Change your situation or change the environment. Do something to get yourself out of the stressful situation if only for a few days. Plan a no-meetings day each month to catch up on work, have uninterrupted focus time or do some self care. Admit when you’ve got too much on your plate and ask for help or let things go. Know what’s most important so you can make choices and not feel guilty. Invest in your health by getting enough sleep, exercise and healthy eating. Nourish your soul and recharge by doing