81: You May be Unknowingly Self Sabotaging with David Neagle

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


We all have moments when we get in our own way. Our conscious mind is saying “this is what I want” but our subconscious mind is saying “actually...I don’t think so.” This result is a confusing mess of self-sabotaging behaviors.  David Neagle is the founder of the multimillion-dollar global coaching company Life Is Now, Inc, helping thousands of entrepreneurs, experts and self-employed professionals gain the confidence and find the right mindset to increase their revenue, turning their endeavors into seven- and eight-figure ventures. He is also the bestselling author of The Millions Within, a book focusing on intention, focus and awareness to build your dream business and life. David and I talk about how self sabotaging works, why we self-sabotage, how to overcome your own tendencies to self-sabotage, and how to talk with your team about their self-sabotaging.    Read the related blog article: Why We Self-Sabotage and What We Can Do About It   Join the Modern Manager community (www.mamieks.com/join) to get David’s course The Art of Success for free. The Art of Success is truly a tool of self-empowerment like none other. It teaches you exactly HOW to rise above your circumstances and live a stronger, more liberated, more fulfilling life. If you work for a nonprofit or government agency, email me at [email protected] for 20% off any membership level.   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and mini-guides delivered to your inbox: mamieks.com/join.    Register for my course on delegation: Make More Time: Everything a manager needs to know to delegate successfully. Registration closes January 10, 2020. Early bird pricing ends December 31, 2019. Get a special bonus PDF “5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Delegating” for free when you sign up before December 20th.    Members of The Modern Manager community get 10% off!   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and free mini-guides delivered to your inbox.    Key Takeaways: The brain is hardwired to keep us safe, alive and reproducing. Anything that threatens those (think: anything that requires a change and feels risky) can trigger a self-sabotaging behavior. Self-sabotaging tends to occurs in one of two ways: (1) we get hyper-focused on something irrelevant and (2) we create a problem for ourselves. In both cases, it’s subconscious, but we let our attention be drawn from where it should be and instead focus on a distraction. Once you agree with the distraction