9: Show Meaningful and Authentic Appreciation

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


Expressing appreciation - a “thankful recognition” of the contribution of those around you - is part of the wave of positive psychology that has become mainstream in recent years. But how do we do this effectively in a work setting? Consider three facets of appreciation: gratitude, praise and recognition. Rockstar managers use all three and build appreciation into their daily or weekly routine.   Get the free mini-guide to help you show meaningful appreciation.   Join the Modern Manager community to get the full guide to meaningful appreciation and many more resources to support your learning journey.   Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and mini-guides delivered to your inbox.   Read the article based on this episode: How to Express Meaningful Appreciation at Work   Key Takeaways: Employees who feel appreciated are more productive and more successful in their roles.  Establish a regular practice of gratitude for yourself. It's easier to show appreciation when you have a habit of doing so. Appreciation can be shown as: Gratitude (saying thank you) Praise (showing admiration) Recognition (sharing in public) Make your gratitude and praise as specific as possible. A simple "thanks!" or "nice job" isn't meaningful. It feels automatic. Include how the person's actions positively impacted you. Both gratitude and praise should often be given in private, but on occasion, public recognition is welcomed. Use recognition as a way to encourage new norms and behaviors in meetings. Acknowledge the person who identified 'the most critical watch-out' as a way to encourage people to share their concerns. Set time on your calendar each week to 'express appreciation.' Reflect on what happened the past week and write a note, send an email, or speak directly to the person to show you care.    Get it touch! Email me at [email protected]   For additional resources on appreciation in the workplace: http://blog.meeteor.com/blog/appreciation-in-virtual-teams/ http://www.appreciationatwork.com/learn/