96: Become a Virtual Team Overnight

The Modern Manager - A podcast by Mamie Kanfer Stewart - Tuesdays


We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Almost overnight, thousands of teams needed to figure out how to do their work virtually, while also navigating the stress of social distancing. Being a manager is hard enough during regular times, but right now is a time when your team members need you most.  In this episode, I talk through three tips to help you adjust to managing a remote team during social distancing. For more support, scroll down to the resources section.   Instead of a mini-guide for this episode, you can download 2 free guides at www.mamieks.com/free.    Members of the Modern Manager community get a free 30 minute coaching session with me to help them address their most pressing challenges. Become a member of the Modern Manager community.    Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and free mini-guides delivered to your inbox.    Read the related blog article: How to Be a Rockstar Manager During Social Distancing.   Key Takeaways: Give yourself a break. This is a high-stress time and no one expects you to be perfect. Be practical. Give your team members time to adjust to working from home, especially if they have kids around. Delay timelines and push back deadlines when you have wiggle room. This will alleviate some of the stress. Allow “good enough” to be good enough when you can.  Talk with your team about how you will work together remotely. What hours will everyone be available? What tools will you use? Talk with each team member individually about what kinds of support they need from you right now.  Let your team members know what support you need from them, too. Hold a weekly team meeting to connect and stay aligned. Use the first part of the meeting to check in and connect with each other. Use the second part of the meeting to align on work progress, company news, and reflect on how you can work together more effectively. Use a chat app to stay connected at a distance. Set up topics for work and fun. Organize your work topics based on the natural conversations you’d have. Consider also creating topics such as ‘issues’ as a special way to signal when help is needed. Create fun topics such as ‘family time’, ‘coronavirus news’ or ‘funny things.’ Use these topi