Holiday Traditions that Spark Joy!
The MomForce Podcast Hosted by Chatbooks - A podcast by Vanessa Quigley

Traditions show children that their family circle is a living link to a chain of generations. Research shows that much like displaying printed photos, practicing family traditions helps build children’s identity and family connection. But holiday traditions can be overwhelming! You don’t have to do ALL of the things in order to make your season magical. Rituals and traditions can be as elaborate as planning daily activities for your Elf of the Shelf, or as simple as starting each morning with a kiss as you send your kids out the door. In this episode of The MomForce Podcast, Erika and Leah join Vanessa to discuss the traditions they had growing up, the traditions they bid adieu to as they got older, and the compromises they made when their spouses brought their own holiday traditions to the family. We are so happy you are here! Make a Chatbook and use code POD20. Happy Chatbooking!