The Internet Isn't Real...?
The Mother Trucking Truth - A podcast by Jacey Bibeau and Mary Owen

Jacey and Mary explore the intricacies of navigating the internet or maybe more how people navigate other people on the internet. There seems to be a lot of pressure as a mom to perpetuate yourself in a certain light online. A few years ago it seemed like you were most valuable as a mom online if you were the "Pinterest Perfect" mom, but that trend seems to have shifted to being a "Real" mom. One minute the social construct is to not be like a regular mom, but a cool mom (yes... I did just reference Mean Girls), but now it seems like the saying should be "I'm not a cool mom, I'm a real mom." Is it even possible to be a real mom on the internet or does the pressure of branding yourself as "real" take away from perpetuating a moms truest reality... is it even possible to convey a mom truest reality? We address these questions and more on todays episode. WE NOW HAVE A PATREON!! Help us keep the lights on't forget to follow us on social media @themothertruckingtruthSources: