050: Mental Fortitude Boot Camp

The Motivation Movement | Inspirational Quotes, Daily Advice, Lifestyle Design, Personal Development - A podcast by Michael Russo (mRuddo) - Mondays


Grit and perseverance are the real key performance indicators to measure in the pursuit of success, whether it be in business, education, relationships and/or health. Intelligence and skill ONLY GO SO FAR. You can’t do much about the DNA you were created with, but there is a LOT you can do to develop resilience and become stronger MENTALLY. The American Psychological Association defines Mental Resilience as: “The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress.” When unexpected and stressful situations arise, how do you respond? How do certain individuals repeatedly strive in the direction of their ambitions failed attempt after failed attempt while others give up after their first try? How do those individuals remain so humble, focused and determined when there is seemingly a VERY low probability of success, when there’s no CLEAR light at the end of the tunnel? Quote: The only way you gain mental toughness is to do things you're not happy doing. If you continue doing things that you're satisfied and make you happy, you're not getting stronger. You're staying where you're at. Either you're getting better, or you're getting worse. You're not staying the same. – David Goggins Being uncomfortable in new situations with a fresh set of challenges is what helps fortify your mental strength. PUSHING THE LIMITS is what helps fortify your mental strength.  Mentally tough individuals are more consistent than others.  Mentally tough individuals practice meditation and reflection.  Mentally tough individuals don’t let their emotions get the best of them, they’re able to channel their anxiety when uncomfortable situations arise.  Resilience, and mental fortitude, doesn’t mean avoiding struggle and stress, it means managing it and not letting it deter you from accomplishing what you’ve set out to achieve.  Resilience and mental fortitude isn’t about burying your emotions and not dealing with the surprises life has in store for us. It’s about confronting that negative internal dialogue and those obstacles head on, conquering them, learning from the process, and continually becoming stronger and stronger.  Like building a muscle, fortifying your MENTAL STRENGTH takes time, dedication and perseverance. https://mruddo.com