057: How to Create an ABUNDANCE Focused Mindset!

The Motivation Movement | Inspirational Quotes, Daily Advice, Lifestyle Design, Personal Development - A podcast by Michael Russo (mRuddo) - Mondays


Unfortunately, much of society appears to be built on a scarcity focused mentality. It's a philosophy that leads people to believe that there is a deficiency in their life, and that opportunity is VERY DIFFICULT to stumble upon. Contrary to popular belief, we live in the most PROSPEROUS AND INNOVATIVE TIME in the history of MANKIND. But, again, all we hear about is DOOM, DESTRUCTION and MISERY. Just turn on the news and listen for yourself! Most of the conversation is unfortunately revolves around . . . I or WE don’t have ENOUGH . . . I don’t have enough money to pay my student loans. I don’t have enough good luck to ever achieve my dreams. We don’t have enough resources to feed the poor. I don’t have enough time to work on my business.  There is NO shortage of money, health, success, resources, opportunity . . . There’s a shortage of the SKILLS, DEDICATION and MINDSET to achieve and/or manifest these material and immaterial items.  Quote: “A great many years ago, I purchased a fine dictionary. The first thing I did with it was to turn to the word ‘impossible,’ and neatly clip it out of the book. That would not be an unwise thing for you to do.”- Napoleon Hill Once you view a challenge as impossible, your brain begins to compound all of the reasons why the problem cannot be solved. You must be disciplined to be solution oriented in the face of adversity. Tackle the obstacle HEAD ON. Confront your FEARS! Fears = Limits . . .  People who are serious about abundance value Collaboration OVER Competition. The complainers, the people who focus on what’s lacking in their lives are often suspicious and skeptical of others. Opportunity isn’t shrinking when others succeed, and you don’t.  A scarcity mindset believes that if one person wins, another loses; as if life is a ZERO-SUM GAME, it’s not. THINK IN ABUNDANCE. ACT IN ABUNDANCE. BE ABUNDANT. https://mruddo.com