062: Mastermind to Maximize by Mutual Improvement
The Motivation Movement | Inspirational Quotes, Daily Advice, Lifestyle Design, Personal Development - A podcast by Michael Russo (mRuddo) - Mondays
Central to being an entrepreneur is the responsibility of being a strategic decision-maker. The success of the operation depends on YOU. It’s NOT an easy lifestyle; staying accountable, efficient, organized, and energized is extremely challenging. Inspiration and information can’t develop inside an echo-chamber silo. If you’re not often exposed to NEW people w/ FRESH perspectives, it becomes difficult to GROW. Nothing becomes easier by not having PEOPLE to communicate, strategize and brainstorm with on a regular basis. Whether it’s a personal mentor, sports team, local church, or community group, we can ALL benefit from having a “sounding board” of sorts, as a resource available to us on this journey we call LIFE. By leveraging the collective experience and intelligence of others, a MASTERMIND GROUP is designed to assist you tackle obstacles, primarily in an entrepreneurial capacity. Not to say that MASTERMIND GROUPS can’t provide value outside of a business scenario, there are a PLETHORA of social benefits relative to this concept as well. It’s best to build groups that include people with diverse backgrounds, expertise, skills, experiences, and interests. ONE core, universal standard within the group should be the genuine and mutual desire for each other to become better and smarter. The commitment to the group’s collective success is KEY. Quote: “You need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don’t waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.” – Joel Osteen When surrounded by a group of hustlers, problem-solvers, builders, creators, tinkerers, developers and beyond, GENIUS is bound to strike, great things are destined to happen. Putting several, unique minds together to discuss complex issues often yields results and explanations that far exceed what any individual would have produced on their own. Whichever industry or goal the group is focused on, solution focused people make the best MASTERMIND participants, they provide the most value to the group, they help push the collective forward, in the right direction. MASTER MINDS provide enormous benefits to the people who are bold, curious, and ambitious enough to attend them. Through the power of networking, your group of trusted peers make it easier to hold yourself accountable and find motivation from their stories of success and failure. https://mruddo.com