SEASON 2 EPISODE 14 From Lawyer to Sleep Consultant- What the Last 7 Years Have Been Like

The My Sleeping Baby Podcast with Eva Klein - A podcast by Eva Klein- Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant


In this episode, I'm taking you down memory line as I recap the last 7 years of my life.  I'll be chatting about all the nitty-gritty details involved with transitioning from practicing law to become a full-time sleep consultant.  Spoiler alert- it involved TONS of tears and sleepless nights, ironically!I'll also be taking you through the various ups and downs of the last 7 years and share the various lessons I've learned along the way.Want to get your little one consistently sleeping 11-12 hours at night so you can be a functioning human?  Join my FREE training HERE:  Free sleep chart download - Free sleep masterclass- Podcast episode on transitioning from a crib to a bed-