SEASON 2 EPISODE 16 How to transition your little one to napping at daycare

The My Sleeping Baby Podcast with Eva Klein - A podcast by Eva Klein- Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant


Getting your little one napping solidly at home is one thing.  Napping well at daycare, on the other hand, can be tricky!In this episode, I'll be giving you my top tips for transitioning your little one to daycare, as well as how to navigate the various sleep hurdles involved with this transition.  Specifically, I'll be talking about:What to look out for when researching daycare optionsHow to communicate with your childcare provider about your little one's sleep needsHow to help your little one adapt to napping at daycareHow to adjust bedtime with short daycare napsHow to minimize problems when daycare doesn't let your baby nap more than once a dayWhen daycare naps will change for the betterWhat to do when daycare wants to nap your older one- and you want that nap goneThis is a jam-packed episode with lots to talk about.  Have a listen!Want to get your little one consistently sleeping 11-12 hours at night so you can be a functioning human?  Join my FREE training HERE: Free sleep chart download - Free sleep masterclass- Podcast episode on transitioning from a crib to a bed-