110: How To Source Anything From China And Establish Good Vendor Relationships With Dave Bryant
The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou - A podcast by Steve Chou

Today I've got my buddy Dave Bryant on the show. Dave and I met when he randomly reached out to me via email and we've kept in touch ever since. And what's cool is that we finally met face to face at the Ecommerce Fuel conference last year. Dave runs several online stores selling boat equipment but I think his most successful site sells boat anchors of all things:) Big and heavy boat anchors that he imports from China. Talk about niche. Dave also runs the popular blog ChineseImporting.com where he teaches others how to import goods from China. He's been importing since age 16, he's written a few books about the topic and what's cool is he works with his wife just like me. Today, we are going to discuss his businesses and some more in depth topics on importing that go way beyond your typical find a product to sell on Alibaba stuff that you've heard in the past.