192: How My Blog Performed As A Business In 2017 With Steve Chou

The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou - A podcast by Steve Chou


In last week's episode, I broke down the numbers for my ecommerce store at BumblebeeLinens.com. So in this episode I’m going to talk about my other 7 figure online business, MyWifeQuitHerJob.com. What I like about running MyWifeQuitHerJob.com is that it’s a very hands off type of business if I need it to be, which comes in really handy when you get injured and don’t want to do anything for months in the latter half of the year. All told, I spend between 15-20 hours per week on this business and it generates over 7 figures in profit. Listen to this episode to see how 2017 went!