056: Stepmom Who Tried To Make The World "Fair"

The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver - A podcast by Lori Sims & David Sims - Fridays

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews a stepmom who tried to make the world “fair”. This stepmom has been blending for 10-½ years and has two stepsons and three bio kids. She refers to her blended family as “The Brady Bunch On Steroids!” Three years ago she started Nachoing after one of the stepkids accused her of abuse.   In this episode, we discuss: Trying to make things “fair” Disney Dad syndrome Bio mom trying to turn the kids against the bio dad and stepmom Loyalty binds to bio mom The stepkids lying about the stepmom