060: From Every Other Weekend Stepmom To Full-Time Stepmom

The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver - A podcast by Lori Sims & David Sims - Fridays

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Joni. Joni has been blending 5 years, has two stepkids, and two “ours” kids. At the beginning of the blend, Joni’s husband only had visitation with his kids every other weekend. About two years ago, that changed and her husband got full custody. Joni has learned a lot since their blended dynamics have changed. Joni “gets” the Nacho Kids method and utilizes it in her blend!    In this episode, we discuss: How being a teacher can make it harder on stepmoms Changes in custody with the bio parents Different levels of nachoing between stepkids Expectations of the blend Taking things personally