081: Stepmom Whose Husband Lives With His Mom When He Has His Son

The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver - A podcast by Lori Sims & David Sims - Fridays

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Kelli. Kelli has been blending for 5-½ years and has two stepkids, two bio kids, and one ours kid. She and her husband have an interesting dynamic with their blend. The stepdaughter lives with bio dad’s stepmom and sees bio dad one night a week outside of the home. Recently stepson, who has visitation every other week with his bio dad, has been staying with bio dad at bio dad’s mother’s house during his visitation time with bio dad. The weeks stepson is back with his bio mom, bio dad goes back home to Megan.      In this episode, we discuss: Negative impact of changing from every other weekend to 50/50 visitation Sibling promotion of parental alienation Bio parent’s fear of losing their kids Stepparent being responsible for distance learning with stepkid Refusing to give up